Back to the future with deep plane face lift in Greece

12/28/2024 11:03:26 AM

Deep plane face lift is the “Ferrari” of facelifts: intelligently designed and capable of weathering the years without falling apart. 

What is deep plane face lift?

In contrast to the standard face lift, the deep-plane technique doesn’t depend on pulling skin in an effort to defy gravity. Instead, Dr Liapakis focuses on the supportive structures of the mid-face, below the skin and SMAS (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System) which are both detached as a single unit. This means that no tension is placed on the skin, affording the patient natural results.

Which are the benefits of the deep plane face lift?

Since the skin has no tension placed on it, the edges where incisions have been made can heal easily and with little scarring. Scars are minimal and barely invisible. The vertical reorientation of the deep face lift automatically eliminates jowls and allows the cheek pads and muscles to sit higher on the face, giving a natural appearance. There is no much bruising and it can be performed to smokers or diabetic patients after having proper screening.

How much is the value of the deep plane face lift?

Dr Liapakis performs customisation of the deep plane face lift adding blepharoplasty, high definition neck liposuction, eyebrow lift or lipofiling depending on the case. The value of the procedure in Athens, or Crete, Greece is a fraction of its original value in USA, UK, Australia and elsewhere.

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