Eyebrow lift

Sometimes, patients may focus their attention on excess skin in the upper eyelids and not realise that it is their sagging eyebrows that are the cause of the problem. Angry or sad look can be addressed with brow (forehead) lift. It can be performed alone or with a facelift to remove excess skin and tighten muscles in the middle and lower face. Younger adults who have a naturally low brow may benefit from brow lift to create fox eye. 

We often use an incision in front of the hairline, medially or laterally (temporal lift) or inside the eyebrows (direct eyebrow lift). Through these incisions, we lift the tissues permanently. 

We sometimes use endoscopic eyebrow lift when we require minimal incisions to correct the frown lines between the eyebrows.

Complications from a brow lift are infrequent, but can include minor hair loss, swelling and bruising which are usually gone within two weeks. 

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