Inner Thigh Lift

The areas around the medial thighs change dramatically after the age of 50. Radiofrequency (RF) can tighten the skin. Ultrasound lipolysis or cryolipolysis diminish the topical fat and mesotherapy-lipolysis by phosphtydilicholin/deoxycholate reduces the cellulite.

Women at their menopause or people after massive weight loss should be treated by more invasive procedures. The inner thigh lift will lift the sagging skin of the inner thigh. Occasionally it can be combined with liposuction. Incisions are usually placed in the groin when the skin laxity is small.

If the problem is bigger the incision extends across the medial thigh to the patela. The procedure takes around 2 hours with topical anesthesia/sedation or general anesthesia and the scars are very well tolerated.

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