
CarboxyDioxide injection into the skin results to strong vasodilation, increased blood flow and oxygen fraction especially at the the periocular capillaries, thereby achieving oxidation resistance and elimination of fine lines.

Bohr effect: when the concentration of CarboxyDioxide in the blood increases, the affinity of the oxygene-containing hemoglobin decreases, which causes hemoglobin to release oxygen to the soft tissues, making the skin fair and smooth.

Angiogenesis: after CarboxyDioxide injection at the skin, local vasodilation increases and new blood vessels are produced; dark cycles are diminished and the skin becomes more healthy. 

Promoting collagen production: clinical studies have already proven that intradermal application of CarboxyDioxide, increases collagen production therefore helping the scar revision (Nach R, Zandifar H, Gupta R, Hamilton JS. Subcutaneous carboxytherapy injection for aesthetic improvement of scars, Ear Nose Throat J, 2010 Feb;89(2):64-6).



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